European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Managerial Finance

Course code: 181778
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Linowski (Steinbeis University Berlin), Dr. Stephan Knabe (Dr. Knabe GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft), Antonio Vegezzi
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

This course aims to introduce attendees to the principles and concepts of managerial finance. It will provide them knowledge and skills needed to well-informed decision making. Whether they have to decide which project maximizes the shareholder’s value or explain to them how the organization will finance this project, attendees will learn how to use analytical tools and interpret and communicate the results.


Participants will:

-Understand the financial jargon
-Have an overview of the existing tools and techniques
-Know how to apply and interpret some of the tools and techniques
-Be able to understand a financial plan
-Be aware of how companies finance their capital expenditure
-Be able to perform a financial statement analysis
-Understand and can basically assess financial risks

Target Attendees / Participants

Students of the International Business and Risk Engineering master

Course Content by Units

The course will highlight the following topics:

-Definition of financial terms
-Financial statement analysis
-Firms’ funding
-Cash flow analysis
-Financial risks
-Risk-return tradeoff

Teaching Methods

This module will be taught through a mix of cases, discussions, lectures, individual assignments, and group projects. 


Ross, S., Westernfield,R., Jaffa,J., Jordan, B., Hiller,D., (2010), Corporative finance,McGrew Hill,

Easton, P., Wild,J., Halsey,R., McAnally, (2012), Financial accounting for MBAs 

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: B5-3:, generated on January 17, 2025)