ISO31000: Principles and Methods of ISO 31000
The course covers the International Standard of ISO 31000:2009 highlighting the relationship between the risk management principles, framework and process as described in this International Standard. The course also highlights issues related to the applicability of the standard in industry and in general.
In this course, students will receive a comprehensive overview of:
- Main principles of the ISO 31000 standard
- ISO 31000 framework for managing risk
- Implementation principles of the ISO 31000 standard
- Related standards
- Open issues in ISO 31000
- Further development of ISO 31000 (ISO 31004, new revisions)
ISO31010: Principles and Methods of ISO 31010
The course deals with the issues related to practical implementation of ISO/IEC 31010 standard 31010:2009 (codified by The International Organization for Standardization and The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)). The standard itself intends to provide support for implementation of the main ISO 31000 standard, giving principles of risk assessment and the risk management process. The course provides information as to the selection and application of the risk assessment techniques tackled in the standards and gives examples of application of single methods/techniques in engineering, insurance, finances and general risk analysis.
The emphasis of the course is on new and alternative methods (e.g. those expert opinion or big data oriented), which can be used for better identifying the risks and the reason for their occurrence, as well as for better assessing the probabilities and factors determining the consequences.
QRA&A: Quantitative Risk Assessment and Advanced Applications
An introduction to Quantitative Risk Analysis is presented, thus illustrating the necessary steps for the calculation of risk indexes. The steps necessary to calculate risk indexes starting from the results of hazard identification will be illustrated and demonstrated.
Practical approach to frequency calculation and consequence assessment, including vulnerability models, will be discussed. A specific focus on domino effect and accidents triggered by Natural-Technological (Na-Tech) events will be presented.
This course gives an introduction to Quantitative Risk Assessment and introduces the students to the analysis of risks originated outside the process boundary, i.e. due to external events. More specifically: domino effects and Na-Tech accidents due to earthquakes, flooding, lightning.
The students will be introduced to the more accepted methodologies for chemical process risk analysis, with particular emphasis to the recent advancement on consequence analysis. A focus on the methods for the evaluation of domino effects will be presented, exemplifying the assessment of complex industrial layouts. Na-Tech analysis methodologies will provide training in supporting the resilience of industrial facilities to accidental scenario triggered by natural events.
EmRISK: Emerging Risks
The course introduces and transfers knowledge on emerging risks and management of emerging risks. The risks considered as "emerging" are primarily the risks previously not recognized as such, e.g. the risks due to new processes, new technologies, new ways of working or risks due to social or organizational changes (the risks linked to nanotechnologies, bio-technology, new chemicals, outsourcing, globalization are practical examples tackled within the course). The risks due to the change in public perception or new scientific knowledge are considered as well.
An introduction of the concept of "emerging risks" will be discussed and the issues of early recognition, classification and monitoring of emerging risks are explained. Furthermore, the course will present frameworks, procedure and factors of emerging risks. Particular attention will be paid to the methodology to deal with these risks. The methodology, as expected, requires new methods and tools. These methods and tools will be elaborated during the course, concentrating in particular onto indicators and modern IT tools, including the application of data mining and web semantics.
Interesting examples as well as results from the current EU and other research projects will be highlighted and explained in detail to the students.