European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Energy Management

Course code: 181772
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: under appointment (ytbc)
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

Energy is one of most important aspects in industry and companies at large. After it's generation, companies have to manage the energy. But also the utilities and grid operators have to manage energy, because of it's impossibility to be stored over a long time or in huge amounts efficiently. Balancing energy consumption and energy generation also on company level is vital and cost relevant. Avoiding extra cost, Energy management is a core task to managers. The course covers the main topics of energy management, such as efficiency improvement, ways of saving energy with respect to reduction of GHG emissions or saving money. Special attention is devoted not only to generally applicable law regulations but also acquaintanceship students with their organization's environmental goals. It also includes topics about monitoring and targeting, energy auditing, solution development and energy management trade. 


The overall goal of this module is giving future industry leaders the required wherewithal to be able to cope with the difficult equation of protecting the natural resources whilst running a business.

State-of-the-Art methods, techniques and tools will be presented, as well as actual research. At the end of the course, attendees are expected to be able to assess the energy portfolio of their company. Efficiently formulate measures to increase energy efficiency and assess the impact of their activity on the environment (e.g. GHG emissions). They should also be able to consider the problem and the respective solutions as a whole; taking into account technical, economic and social dimensions. Yet, even though all those dimension will be presented, the focus of this module will be on the technical and economical competencies of the students.

Target Attendees / Participants

This module is targeted to current master of engineering students who want a clear understanding on control of pollution in the environment, different waste treatments, and those who are interested in using the tools of science and engineering to solve problems in the natural and built environment.

Course Content by Units

This course will cover the following topics:

- energy efficiency,
- energy profile of companies, carbon emissions
- energy saving measures and improvements,
- regulations and standards (i.e. ISO 50 001 Energy Management)
- Energy Management System models
  - Energy Information Systems,
- human factor in Energy Management,
- energy auditing in practice.

Teaching Methods

The course includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, and used methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • review of main topics in the end of each lecturing unit


-Dale R. Patrick & Stephen W. Fardo & Ray E. Richardson & Steven R. Patrick 2007, Energy Conservation Guidebook, Second Edition, Fairmont Press

-Frank Kreith & D. Yogi Goswami 2007, Energy Management and Conservation Handbook (Mechanical Engineering Series), CRC Press

- ISO 50 001 Energy Management Standards

-Richard A. Panke (2002). Energy Management Systems & Direct Digital Control, Fairmont Press

-Tauseef Aized (2011). Energy Technology and Management, InTech

-Wayne C. Turner, Barney L. Capehart, William J. Kennedy (2011). Guide to Energy Management, Seventh Edition, Fairmont Press

-Amelia R. Williams (2011). Federal Energy Management and Government Efficiency Goals (Energy Policies, Politics and Prices), Nova Science Pub Inc

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: B1-4:, generated on January 25, 2025)