European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

III-R27: PubHealth
Public Health Oriented Risk Analysis

Course code: 161329
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar S. Jovanovic (Steinbeis EU-VRi GmbH)
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

The course covers the main topics of health oriented risk analysis with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related actions used in overall analysis (assessment, perception, communication etc.). Furthermore, the course is illustrated by a number of examples, presents commonly used methods, in particular the issues like (1) Basics of Risk: Analysis, Assessment and Management, (2) Risk Analysis in Perspective (Measures of Risk), (3) Dose-Response Functions, (4) Risk Perception and Communication, (5) Variability and Uncertainty, (6) Cumulative Risk Assessment, (7) Risk Assessment, Management and Law and (8) Application to Public Health - WHO Methodology for assessing the environmental burden of disease (EBD)  based on calculation of DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Year).


At the end of the course students are expected to have basic knowledge about:

  • general terms used in the area of risk, risk management and risk assessment;

  • respective methods used in this field of analysis

Target Attendees / Participants

As introductory, the course is targeting the wide range of participants, such as:

  • professionals dealing with risk issues on management or operation level,

  • individuals with no previous experience in the field of risk management in health field, but willing to extend their knowledge and take up new roles in risk management in their companies,

  • students of  Steinbeis Master of Risk Engineering and Management program and similar programs.

Course Content by Units




Basics of Risk: Analysis, Assessment and Management


Risk Analysis in Perspective (Measures of Risk)


Dose-Response Functions


Risk Perception and Communication


Variability and Uncertainty


Cumulative Risk Assessment


Risk Assessment, Management and Law


Application to Public Health – WHO Methodology


Review and conclusions, Questions and answers

Teaching Methods

The course includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, and used methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • review of main topics in the end of each lecturing unit


  • Night noise guidelines for Europe. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2009
    (, accessed 7 October
  • Babisch W. The noise/stress concept, risk assessment and research needs. Noise & Health, 2002,
    4(16): 1–11.
  • Noise Observation and Information Service for Europe (NOISE) [web site]. Copenhagen, European
    Environment Agency, 2009 (, accessed 15 February
  • Kephalopoulos S et al., eds. Proceedings of the International Workshop on “Combined Environmental
    Exposure: Noise, Air Pollution, Chemicals”, Ispra, Italy, 15–16 January 2007. Luxembourg,
    Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007.
  • Prüss-Üstün A et al. Introduction and methods: assessing the environmental burden of disease at
    national and local levels. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003.
  • Prüss-Üstün A, Kay D, Fewtrell L, Bartram J (2003) Water, sanitation and hygiene. In:
    Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Murray CJL, eds. Comparative quantification of health
    risks: global and regional burden of disease due to selected major risk factors. Geneva,
    World Health Organization (in press).
  • Parma Declaration on Environment and Health, the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment
    and Health, Parma, Italy, 10–12 March 2010 (http://www.euro.who.
    int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/78608/E93618.pdf, accessed 7 October 2010)

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: III-R27:, generated on January 25, 2025)