European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

B2-4: IRP
Industrial Risk Psychology

Course code: 181773
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: under appointment (ytbc)
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

Industrial Risk Psychology is the scientific study of employees, workplaces, and organizational risks. Industrial Risk Psychology (IRP)contributes to an organization's success by improving the performance and well-being of its people and technological process. An IRP psychologist researches and identifies how risks can improve behaviors and attitudes by using risks through hiring practices, training programs, and feedback systems. IRP psychologists also help organizations' transition among periods of change and development.


The course aims to develop knowledge about industrial risks from a positive angle. The students will learn how hazards can be considered as opportunities. New visions of risks extend the competence to assess and manage risks at human and enterprise level.

The participants of this course should develop the competence to assess and manage risks at the enterprise level. The main topics followed are:

  • Needs analysis (needs give birth to risks)
  • Job context Analysis (each of us act in a context)
  • Risk as a concept:
                      a)Risks - as part of life (personal/professional)
                      b)Risks - as positive
  • Importance of communication at all levels
  • Promoting the idea of self management risks
  • Planning intervention focused on individual/context.

At the end of the course students are expected to:

  • have extended knowledge about industrial risks approach
  • understand basics of self management risks as opportunities
  • know how the principles of industrial risks can be considered as positive

Target Attendees / Participants

The course is dedicated especially for students from universities or professionals with Engineering, Psychology or Economics profile but it will also satisfy those students and professionals who are simply interested in new approaches when risk management is a matter. 


Course Content by Units

The course will be divided into four units:

Title & contents in brief


I. A part of analysis:

    a) process of awareness of needs,

    b) delimitation of the context of work activity,

    c) delimitation of used concepts (especially positive risk),

    d) learning to promoting the idea of self management risks

    e) communication as risk


II. A part of exercises:

    a) case studies,

    b) examples of industrial risks,

    c) practical exercises (within the limits of possibilities)



III. A part of risk management: this part should include principles of best practice derived from PCMM, teaching the employee how to assess, implement and maintain an efficient level of industrial risks (a positive risk).




IV. A part of examination: a case study project including

    a) problems occurred,

    b) situations that develop problems,

    c) solutions found,

    d) applicability on a personal and industrial level solutions.

Optional units:


Title & contents in brief

Duration (minutes)


1. Positive risks as opportunities



2. Positive risks as variation requests




Teaching Methods

Teaching will assume:

    a) information available online (on the Internet),

    b) cathedra lecturing,

    c) case studies,

    d) presenting examples of industrial risks and solutions found,

    e) self analysis of students from the perspective of industrial risk,

    f) practical exercises (within the limits of possibilities),

    g) observation method,

    h) test method


Textbook or CD and Power Point slides, behavioral tests, case studies.

The textbook would contain references to relevant literature.

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: B2-4:, generated on January 17, 2025)