European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Marketing and Sales Management

Course code: 128022
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Frank H. Witt (Polytechnic of Namibia), Miodrag Ljubicic
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

The course will provide participants with methodology related to consumer behavior and knowledge about how to influence it using different instruments. The marketing goal is to make a product or service visible and recognizable in the market. The participants will be able to use different techniques for assessing current marketing position and possibilities for positioning in the future.


The participants will:

- deepen their knowledge about the impact of products, processes and involved people on consumer behavior,

- recognize the possibilities of influencing consumer behavior: (AIDA) model,

- understand the importance of marketing for turnover and growth,

- be capable of a sound implementation of marketing activities in practice by practising on selected scenarios (case exercises),

- gain knowledge about the structure and concepts used by sales representatives of modern organizations, and

- have a basis for making decisions on the use of the sales force and appropriate efficiency-enhancing measures.

Target Attendees / Participants

Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration

Course Content by Units

Marketing Management-influencing consumers behavior

Marketing Strategy and Planning:

- Business Growth

- Portfolio Management

- Brand Management and Global Brands

- Product Development

Distribution and Sales Management:

- Fundamentals of Distribution Policy

- Fundamentals of Sales Policy

- Planning and control of sales activities

Teaching Methods

Classic lecturing

Free, interactive class discussion

Small group work


Harding, G. / Walton, P. (2000): Bluff your way in marketing (Bluffer's Guides), 1. Auflage, Oval Books.

Kerin, R. / Hartley, S. / Rudelius, W.  (2014): Marketing, 12th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.

Kotabe, M. / Helsen, K. (1998): Global Marketing Management, 1. Auflage, Wiley.

Kotler, P. / Keller, K. L. / Bliemel, F. (2007): Marketing-Management: Strategien für wertschaffendes Handeln, 12. aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium.

Kotler, P. / Bliemel, F. (2006 - Nachdr.): Marketing-Management: Analyse, Planung und Verwirklichung, 10. überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium.

Kotler, P. / Armstrong, G. / Saunders, J. (2006): Grundlagen des Marketing: Studium Economic BWL, 4 aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Studium. 

Lippmann, H. (2005): Markchancen nutzen mit Produktmanagement, 8. aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage. RKW. 

Meffert, H. (2000): Marketing: Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensführung; Konzepte, Instrumente, Praxisbeispiele; mit neuer Fallstudie VW Golf, 9. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Gabler.

Schwerdt, A. J. (2007): Strategisches Marketing, 1. Auflage, Steinbeis Edition.

Specht. G./ Fritz, W. (2005): 4. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Kohlhammer.

Terpstra, V. / Foley, J. (2012): International Marketing, 10th Edition, Naper Publishing Group.

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: F5-3:, generated on January 17, 2025)