European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Models and Systems

Course code: 128028
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Linowski (Steinbeis University Berlin), Dr. Stephan Knabe (Dr. Knabe GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft), Antonio Vegezzi
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

This course focuses on the practical implementation of accounting and corporate finance concepts in an integrated system, taking into account the stakeholders using it. Attendees will be faced with actual tasks that controlling encompasses, they will learn the right processes of budget preparation and be able to use the obtained data to make sound decisions based on their forecast.


The participants are expected to:

- understand the concept of integrated profit and financial planning,

- learn how to implement the right process in budget preparation and apply it in an ongoing controlling,

- be empowered to produce a complete and reliable budget and to perform a target-actual comparison, and

- be able to create and prepare a target-actual comparison, extrapolation/projection and forecast accounts for a company.

Target Attendees / Participants

Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration

Course Content by Units

Model and concept of integrated profit and financial planning

Optimism bias

Personal budget

Balance sheet

Cash flow statement

Teaching Methods

Classic lecturing

Free and interactive class discussion


Egger, A. / Winterheller, M. (2002): Kurzfristige Unternehmensplanung: Budgetierung, 12. unveränderte Auflage, Linde.

Seebacher, W.: Fachartikel-Downloads von der Seite

Ross, S., Westernfield, R., Jaffa, J., Jordan, B., Hiller, D., (2010): Corporative finance,McGrew Hill.

Easton, P., Wild, J., Halsey,R., McAnally, (2012): Financial accounting for MBAs.

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: F6-5:, generated on January 17, 2025)