European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Ratings and Risk Management in Corporate Banking

Course code: 128055
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dirk Linowski (Steinbeis University Berlin), Rolf Seebauer
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

Credit rating agencies play a critical role in capital markets, guiding the asset allocation of institutional investors as private capital moves freely around the world in search of the best trade-off between risk and return. This course aims to guide attendees through ratings, the ratings industry, mechanics and economics of obtaining a rating, as well as opportunities and risks related to rating different status.


To understand construction principles and impacts of corporate ratings on the liability structure, cost of equity and acquisition of loans provided by financial institutions.

To understand the functioning of the market of corporate customers financing

To understand investment opportunities for corporations and the consequences and risks with respect to dealing with rating status and an overview on risks related to dealing with foreign currencies

Target Attendees / Participants

Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration

Course Content by Units

Corporate ratings and liability

Functioning of rating, loan and debt markets

Business Planning

Teaching Methods

Classic lecturing

Free and interactive class discussion


J. Bessis (2015): Risk Management in Banking, 4th  Edition, Wiley.

R. Brealey, S. Myers (2013): Principles of Corporate Finance, 11th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.

D. Eiteman, A. Stonehill (2014): Multinational Business Finance, 13th Edition, Pearson.

P. Krugman, M. Obstfeld (2014): International Economics: Theory & Policy, 10th Edition, Pearson.

H. Langohr, P. Langohr (2009): The Rating Agencies and their Credit Ratings: What they are, how they work, why they are relevant, Wiley Finance.

F. Mishkin (2012): The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 10th Edition, Pearson.

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: FRME2-2:, generated on January 25, 2025)