European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management


Course code: 136466 (MOD) / 181770 (IBRE)
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 60 days (540h)
Assessment: MT AP
Credit points: 18 CPs

Short description

The thesis is a practice-oriented, scientifically prepared document which reflects the knowledge and skills a student has acquired throughout the study program and applied to a project relevant for his occupational environment. The thesis shall prove the student’s ability to solve the specific problem in his company in an autonomous and methodical manner.

As a rule, the project shall be defined and specified together with the student, the project client and a coach of the SHB upon the start of the study program (project specifications).


The thesis shall prove the students' ability to autonomously and methodically solve a specific problem in their companies/oragnizations. The thesis shall be a practice-oriented, scientifically prepared and entrepreneurial relevant conception and completion documentation, in which the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program are applied to a project from the respective student’s occupational environment. The thesis is documented continuously with the project documentation during the complete program.

Quality criteria are:

·                Stringent specification of the problem with theses.

·                Comprehensible derivation of relevant problem solving approaches stating only the sources/tools actually used.

·                Sufficient discussion of various problem solving approaches.

·                Solution, actual degree of resolution and project benefits.

Course Content by Units

The thesis shall be a practice-oriented, scientifically prepared and entrepreneurial relevant conception and completion documentation, in which the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program are applied to a project from the respective student's occupational environment. If the both written reports of the thesis at least results in the grade “sufficient”, the thesis’s presentation and defense shall follow as the last examination. Upon the exam’s beginning, the respective candidates shall present their projects and thesis in a summarized form and shall then defense said project and thesis before the committee. To account for the principles of comprehensive education, spanning correlations on the basis of the thesis shall form the focus of the examination discussion, within the scope of which the members of the examination committee shall be entitled to ask questions referring to their respective departments. As a rule, the exam’s timeframe shall amount to one hour (at least 30 minutes).

Teaching Methods

  • Thesis


  • SHB: Thesis, SIS
  • SHB: Report Thesis, SIS

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For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: PK.4, generated on January 17, 2025)