European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Vulnerability Analysis and Return on Prevention Analysis

Course code: 161343 (SEM)
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 4 days (36h)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kovacs (INCDPM "Alexandru Darabont", National Research and Development Institute on Occupational Safety)
Assessment: PWritten Exam, Transfer Paper, [optional topic for Project Study Paper]

Short description

Vulnerability Analysis is a prerequisite to a risk assessment. Coupled with return on prevention analysis it could serve as an essential step in risk management and future scenarios development, giving managers and risk specialists a powerful decision assisting tool. This course aims to build up competences regarding vulnerability analysis in industry based on the current best practice in EU, as well as to provide basic knowledge regarding Return on Prevention Vulnerability analysis. Return on Prevention assessment gives the efficiency of the money and resources invested. The course presents the latest methodologies and instruments and also the latest stage of art.


The course will provide the students with sufficient knowledge and skills that they should be able to do a vulnerability analysis and on its results a return on prevention analysis, showing the weak points (where the facility is vulnerable) and giving the spots where return on prevention could be maximized. Also, objectives should materialize in an individual project and also in the responses of a multiple answers test.

Target Attendees / Participants

The course is designed to satisfy the needs of safety experts and practitioners, engineers and managers, especially risk managers. At the end of the course students are expected to:

  • have the necessary competences in order to perform vulnerability analysis at their enterprises
  • understand basics of Return on Prevention (RoP) concepts and its usage in risk management
  • form their competences in RoP assessment.

Course Content by Units

The course includes following units:


Title & contents in brief

Duration (minutes)


Introductory part

Definitions used in the course. Goal and objectives of the course



Vulnerability discovery, Models, Consequences

Where vulnerabilities appear, how are generated and found. Intentional and unintentional vulnerabilities. Hazard vulnerability analysis.



Vulnerability Analysis and mapping

Conflict vulnerability analysis; Vulnerability Analysis of Safety Systems



Vulnerability metrics and KPI

What should be measured and why. What are KPI regarding vulnerability expressing.



Vulnerability management

Vulnerability life cycle management, best practices, management principles and tools.



ROP-basis and need for

What is ROP and how could ROP help the management of the enterprise



ROP methodology

Steps in order to collect data and to process ROP



How to interpret ROP?

ROP interpretation in relationship with managerial data.



ROP implementation in risk management and safety culture

Best practice procedures in order to use currently ROP as a useful instrument for the management and also for the employees.



Project analysis and test

Here student would present their projects and would respond to the grill test.


Teaching Methods

Teaching methods could depend, according to resources and possibilities:

  • on the basis of the existing written material there would be a short presentation of the unit content completed with examples and case studies. At the end of each unit there would be a time dedicated to the buildup of the project – using the competences included in the presented unit, so that the students would be ready with the project through this interactive work-up and a reasonable individual effort;

  • the course would finalize with a practice application- done in the 4 days course  as a project done by the student referring on his own workplace.


Textbook and Power Point slides. The textbook would contain at the end references to relevant literature.

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For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: VE-R37, generated on January 17, 2025)