European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Course on Resilience of Infrastructures

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar S. Jovanovic (Steinbeis EU-VRi GmbH)

Short description



Modern society depends more and more on the effective and reliable operations of infrastructure systems (infrastructures), such as those delivering energy, water, sanitation, shelter, information, emergency response and other critical services. These, on the other side, need to be assessed on their resilience in case of large and/or cascading events. Whilst most people fully agree about the importance of resilience, common agreement about the resilience assessment approaches, methods and tools is still an issue.

The course will look at these issues primary from the engineer point of view and, after preparing the overview and information about the state-of-the-art focus on some practical examples highlighting aspects of the practical quantitative assessment of resilience.


Course Units 

  • Unit 1: State-of-the-art, basic principles, approaches
  • Unit 2: Theoretical background, methods & tools
  • Unit 3: Practical application: Industry
  • Unit 4: Practical application: civil structures
  • Unit 5: Discussion

Target Attendees

Engineers, managers at all levels, inspectors, legislators and other professionals dealing with risk, safety and resilience of infrastructures  as well as students, will profit from the course by

  • increasing their understanding of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and
  • extending their knowledge on resilience approaches.

Course Content by Units

Engineers, managers at all levels, inspectors, legislators and other professionals dealing with risk, safety and resilience of infrastructures  as well as students, will profit from the course by

  • increasing their understanding of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and
  • extending their knowledge on resilience approaches.

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: , generated on January 17, 2025)