European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Strategic Management

Course code: 181776
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 30 days (270h)
Lecturers: Rolf Seebauer
Assessment: C Transfer Paper
Credit points: 6 CPs

Short description

In the 21st century’s work organization which requires managers to be flexible and to have an overview of the whole scope of managerial aspects; having broad knowledge and applicable skills became crucial. As the success or failure of a company often involves various internal and external factors, gaining a sustainable competitive advantage requires a sound understanding of the concepts, methods and tools of strategic management. This module aims to prepare attendees by presenting them how a company’s strategy relies on an integrated approach of HR management, organizational behavior, economics and sustainability theories. A strong focus will be put on the practical implementation of the gained knowledge through case studies, developing not only specific competences, but also general social skills.


After successful completion of the module, participants will:

know the basics of strategy studies,
acquire a basic understanding regarding the complexity of economic and strategic interrelations,
develop their methodological skills regarding management responsibilities,
get an overview of the key issues of occupational and organizational Psychology,
are aware of the problem of generalizing behavioral aspects,
recognize the links to other research fields and the huge relevance of psychological behavior patterns for the success of a project or company,
understand the current situation and have knowledge about the evolution of sustainable development,
recognize the broad scope of sustainable development,
be aware of the regulation and how to stay up-to-date,
be comfortable with Advanced Environmental Education tools,
be familiar with the different processes of personnel selection, and,
understand human resource management as a source of sustainable competitive advantage.

Target Attendees / Participants

This module is targeted to current master of engineering students who are going to be involved in strategic decision-making and implementation.

Course Content by Units

The module will cover following topics:

Basics: development, subject and levels of strategic management
Tools for business analysis
Tools for strategy analysis
Portfolio Analysis (Objectives, Methods and Critical appraisal)
The strategic positioning at the corporate level
The strategic positioning at the business unit level
Overview of the topics organizational and human psychology
Study of human behavior in organizations - interdisciplinary aspects
Work Psychology - the individual level
Psychology of the organization - group, team and organization
Contemporary environmental issues
Regulation and legislative process
Environmental education
Basic course and features of human resource management
Personnel Marketing and Recruitment
personnel Selection
Staff development
Metrics-driven HR policy
Fundamentals and tasks of skill management


Teaching Methods

Classical lecturing

Free and interactive class discussion

Work in small groups

Case study


Defined in the courses

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: B6/F1, generated on January 25, 2025)