Steinbeis for business
For companies: recruit the best students, enhance the competence of the employees, train your team  
  Sponsorship programs: junior-consultants instead of senior-students

All of our master and PhD programs rely on the close and active partnership that the institute maintains with the participating companies. As the students bring in their theoretical knowledge in the daily operating of the company, the company benefits from highly qualified employees shaped to its own particular needs. Therefore the dual Master programs confer important advantages for likewise midsize companies, large corporations and self-employed entrepreneurs.



Sponsoring a student means:

✔ Motivated future engineer working in your company for two years
✔ Having a real problem solved
✔ Being able to recruit a young engineer shaped to your company’s culture
✔ Get access to the Steinbeis Network

  High qualified employees shaped to the company’s needs
Certainly the best reason for companies to participate in our Master programs relies in the recruitment of highly qualified employees. First of all our students pass through an exigent selection process during the application phase. The high level of the offered courses addresses to students with a sharp sense of analysis, capable of putting theoretical academic concept directly into praxis. Companies hence benefit from motivated employees who are still in the learning process and may thus be sensibilized to the specific company needs. In contrast to the recruitment of external qualified employees students who graduated at the Steinbeis University Berlin don’t need time for familiarization and will have developed close ties to the companies after the graduation.

Network of experts in Risk Management and Business Administration
Students of the Steinbeis University are an important link between the company and the relevant field of academics. Via the knowledge and technology transfer carried out by the students, companies benefit from the most topical academic expertise. Moreover the students will be working on a specific project within the company, solving relevant problems for the company, while being supported and coached by experienced lecturers and mentors. Participating in the Master program therefore is an important step towards getting involved in a rich network.

Attractive image on the labor market
Finally, offering to employees the opportunity of developing their own qualification while continuing working in the company is a major positive factor on the labor market. The image as well as the visibility of the company enhances, which will attract motivated employees in the long run.


  Professional certification

The professional Certification program, along with the Master in Risk Engineering and Management, is created by STI R-Tech and supported by involvement in different industrial risk management projects. With more than 900 issued certificates the program is envisaged as unique professional qualification scheme which will allow building and setting up a standard for experts dealing with risk management and engineering in different fields on a global level.
For more information about the titles to be obtained, please click here.

  In-House certification courses  

Beside the classical courses held within national, European and international projects, the certifications courses can be organized as in-house courses, e.g. for groups of 10 to 30 attendees.
Credit points (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) earned through the certification program title can be transferred towards the respective master program.


Recruiting a student, enrolling an employee
The only formal requirement to sponsor a student is to give him a work or internship contract for the whole duration of the master program. The details of the contract have to be define between the student and your company.
The University will secure the student’s exemption from work for the seminar days, the suitability of the project for a master degree and last but not least, that the project’s progress is monitored.

Indicatively and as a general rule, the company covers tuition fees and travel expenses (if applicable) in addition to a monthly gross wage of 1,400€ in average.

Certification courses and In-House training

Please contact us directly to define a tailored training plan and get a cost estimation


Prof. Dr. Eng. Aleksandar Jovanovic | Director
Phone: +49 711 410041 29
Mobile: +49 172 635 9190

















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